As an Inviting community of faith we are welcoming and friendly but, more than that, we are intentional about gathering and including others to experience the good news of Jesus with us. We believe that happens through our Sunday morning worship experience and we invite you to join us there.
This Sunday9:15 a.m.
In Person Sunday Worship Also Sundays at 10:00 a.m. on Spectrum Cable channel #1301; Livestream at 9:15 a.m. on Facebook Group: Hudson Falls UMC ---------------------------- When all seems hopeless, don’t give up. God can and will bring new life. Follow us on FacebookYou can find us on Facebook at
Hudson Falls United Methodist Church or on Facebook group Hudson Falls UMC |
About Our ServiceOur Sunday service is a casual and traditional celebration with a mix of hymns, contemporary music and videos. The choir sings and there is a special message for the children. The Pastor preaches and teaches on topics that are relevant to daily living. And there's always good food and conversation at our fellowship time in the Christ Cafe after the service. Join us!
Children in ChurchChildren of all ages are always welcome as full participants in the worship service.
HospitalityAfter the worship service each Sunday you are invited to gather in the Christ Cafe (directly adjacent to the sanctuary) for coffee, other refreshments, and conversation. If you are visiting with us this is a great time for us to give you a proper welcome and get to know each other.
Celebrating the SacramentsIn the United Methodist tradition we celebrate two sacraments: baptism and the Lord's Supper, or communion. If you are interested in baptism contact Rev. Kim or the church office. Here at HFUMC we offer communion on the first Sunday of the month with an open communion table, which means everyone is welcome to receive the bread and the juice. We invite you to come forward, receive a piece of bread, dip it in the juice and return to your seat or use the chancel railing for personal prayer.
We're on TV!If you can't make it in person on Sunday morning you can always watch our services on television. There are three opportunities to watch.
If you are already a viewer and would like to donate to support this ministry, checks can be made to "Worship" and sent to the church at 227 Main St. Hudson Falls, NY 12839. |